By day, he is a "mild mannered" NHS Manager, by night...well, he's usually asleep or watching TV but he is also a writer. 

James has always had so many ideas for writing, and until he was 40 he had barely put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard ) apart from a couple of blogs which were quite popular at the time.

But that all changed, James then wrote scripts of a 2 series and a finale sitcom, another comedy- drama, a fantasy drama, and a film.

James made it to the final stages of a BBC Writers competition and had interest from Sheridan Smith and the Barking Mad Productions but then Covid happened and it all went quiet.

In 2024 he wrote and self published my first book, The Boy She Left Behind, on my experiences following the sudden death of his amazing Mum in 2022. 

James then followed this up with a short story publication on Halloween about his real life experiences with the ghost of his Great Grandmother.

Both are selling well on Amazon, with fantastic reviews, but James is determined to spread the word further, hopefully with a publisher. He is currently working on his third book with books four and five also in the works.

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