The Boy She Left Behind- by James Beckley is an achingly beautiful, raw portrayal of love, loss, and the devastation of abandonment. From the very first page, James pulls you into his world, where every moment is soaked in the heartache of being left behind. His writing is so deeply personal and real, it's impossible not to feel his pain as your own. The emotional depth he brings to each part makes the story all the more heartbreaking, capturing the raw vulnerability of a broken heart in a way that feels both intensely personal and universally relatable. James doesn't just write about pain - he makes you live it with him, making every tear, every quiet moment of despair feel palpable. This isn't just a story; it's a soul-bearing exploration of love's fragility and a glimpse of how to begin to overcome the grief of losing somebody who means everything to you.
James, a wonderful listener I've thought the world of for years, has written a beautiful book about the tragedy of grief.
Danny Wallace
It's a beautiful book mate full of heart and soul and love ... it will help people
Thank you on behalf of everyone thank you for writing that book.
I feel like I know her and I think she would be incredibly proud of you ...
Chesney Hawkes
Wow! You've made me laugh, you've made me cry, what a wonderful way with words you have, I recognised so much of what you said in myself & what we're going through (I think it's such a long journey that kicks you just when you think you're getting there!) it truly was a raw, realistic, thoughtful, inciteful
A Mans Attempt to Understa
piece of writing of your experience, she'll be so proud. I said you're wasted in the NHS!! But truly what a wonderful array of memories she left you & you are all her legacy, family is everything & I'm sure she's thinking (quite rightly) what a great job she's done with you all!
More importantly I hope it has helped you it must've taken a lot but I really admire you for laying it out there, I'm sure it will help other people BRILLIANT
James, a wonderful listener I've thought the world of for years, has written a beautiful book about the tragedy of grief.
t is a very fitting and lovely tribute to mum and well deserved, she would be very proud if somewhat embarrassed.
You said about the five people who might read it - if five people do and it helps them then you have achieved what you set out to do, very well done for taking it on and bearing your soul xx
Ah it was pleasure to read. Such a lovely thing to be able to do and beautifully written. Lovely to read how close as family you all are and how integral your mum was.
Has made me think about a few things too, which as you make clear was your intentions of the book too.
Your mum should be very proud of you.
You have spoken with great honesty on
a subject which is personal, but on the other hand, happens to us all, one way or another. I hope it will be a great help to everyone who reads it.
Hi mate. Just wanted to drop you a quick message. I've just finished your book. Bravo! . I lost my mum not long after you did yours, so I was a bit nervous about reading it if I'm honest.
Not knowing what emotions may resurface etc. It took a week or so for me to actually pick it up and read it. I'm so glad I did. It's lovely. Some wonderful memories and stories (and genius passwords
Must have been
so hard at times to do, but
heartwarming and soothing at the same time. You should feel very proud. Your family seem like a tight knit, lovely bunch of people who have your back.
Must be a Spurs thing eh! Well done mate
"The Boy She Left Behind by James Beckley is an achingly raw and intimate portrayal of grief, love, and loss. His writing is so genuine and heartfelt, making his pain feel vivid and tangible. This book is more than a memoir; it's a soul-bearing journey through the fragile nature of love, a journey that helps others find resilience in the face of profound grief. This book serves as a valuable guide for anyone navigating the grief of losing a loved one.
Amazon Review
James, this book is a message to help millions of people who go through so much tough times when losing their loved ones. The emotions feels like a movie and it's heart breaking to read what you went through. This books will help many and even though I have my parents, this is an eye opener to value our loved ones and be there for them. Thank you James and for sharing something which I know was not easy but I really do hope you find closure. stay blessed.
"I got a message for you from my mum, she absolutely loved your book and she said she can't wait until you write another! I bought it for her last week and she was glued to it all weekend. All she's been saying is how lovely you come across.
You got a fan there mate
"What a lovely read I had of your book, The Boy She Left Behind. It was a very sad story to read, but very helpful to me - thank you. I lost one of my sons in April 2018. I was not with him at the time , but your book has truly helped me. Ive asked my youngest son to ask you if you could please sign my book. I'll put it straight into my cabinet.
Thank you again.
Johns Mum Audrey
I have just this minute finished reading your book. It is a lovely tribute to your mum. She would be more than proud, quite shocked I reckon so you must
have got your writing skills from her after all. The highlighters made me chuckle, she really did like her stationery. I remember a hot day at the eye unit, we sat outside highlighting away what notes we had, a moment of calm in that mad place. She was there and I needed her. She really helped
"Read your book mate, with a Malibu in hand and a dog on my lap. Well done-your mum would be so proud of you.
Totally got it- unfortunately but honestly mate. Lots of love to you and your entire amazing family. Also love the counselling! More people should do it. I'm not saying this pissed either.
This is a highly emotional book, where James reflects on his feelings and events in his life prior and post his mums death, in which he explores grief and how he is dealing with it.
I liked that the 'before' chapters were positively reminiscent, a wonderful way to remember his mum and leave her memory a beautiful one, but then you get the during' chapters, describing how suddenly it changed it sucked you right back into the pain.
Grief is something extremely personal that can take so much time to understand and get through, everyone deals and experiences grief differently and what works for one person, might not work for another. As James puts it in this book I searched for something out there to help me; to make me see it's not just me feeking like this but I didn't find it. I am hoping this will be somebody's 'something out there.'' I think this id a necessary thing, sometimes you don't know where to start to process that grief and maybe reading someone else's experience can help. I know I needed something ten years ago, and I was lucky enough to have a support system that helped me find something.
This book is also quite informative, there are links at the back to services mentioned throughout, such as grief and bereavement services and charities, therapists and mediums.
There was a quote in the book which James was told, and I think it described dealing with grief well, so I will just leave it here at the end. Just because that grief doesn't go away, it doesn't mean that it won't get better:
'Imagine putting a ball in a jar that just about fits in. This is when your grief is recent and all consuming - there isn't any room for anything else in the jar. But over time, the jar grows, and you'll find yourself with more space in your jar to store other things. The grief will still be there, but over time, there' Il be more room for happiness and joy.'
"Daddy just finished your book and oh my gosh i am so majorly proud of you. nanna is so proud of you and honestly reading that made me feel even closer to nanna and knowing that she is protective over me has made me feel so much better. this book is bloody brilliant jim! well done and love you loads xx
"James has written from the heart & is hoping that his book will help others ‘understand grief’
Got my book delivered on Friday
evening and finished it this morning.
Well done, it's a really good book my daughter wants to read it too.
Good morning, I read your book last night. I loved reading it and can't see how it helped you in writing it. It's so detailed and inspiring. I can see how it could be helpful to others as well in the way you've set it out.
I have read your wonderful book.
I am so sorry you have suffered so much but you are also so very brave to deal with it all.
I loved your Mum too, it seems to me so much longer that she has not been here.
Sending you and your lovely family lots of love.
It was a truly beautiful tribute to your lovely mum! it made me laugh and cry. I could also imagine your mums face at quite a few of the stories which was heartwarming!
I thought it was so brave of you to discuss your mental health and be so honest with the ups and downs.
Something I wish more men would do!
A raw & emotional read. Just shows we never really know what someone is going through when they lose someone so close to them. I’m sure this book will be a great help to anyone going through the same.