James Beckley's Books


"My Mum, Barbara Beckley, died suddenly on May 11th 2022. The Boy She Left Behind is about my attempts to understand grief following the loss of my Mum, but its also about how things may affect us when growing up; what you have to deal with when someone dies accepting how you’re feeling is actually ok; the things I learnt from counselling when surprising people help you more than they realise ;but mainly it’s about me and my Mum. She loved books and reading and I thought she deserved to be in one. I looked out there for something to read from a similar perspective but I couldn’t find anything. All I want is to hopefully be ‘someone’s something out there’ "


"It's a beautiful book mate full of heart and soul and love ... it will help people Thank you on behalf of everyone thank you for writing that book.

I feel like I know her and I think she would be incredibly proud of you..."

Chesney Hawkes on 'The Boy She Left Behind'


"I had a great relationship with my Great Grandmother when she was alive… it was a bit hit and miss after she died however….

This book has been inspired, and possibly spirits revived by the Danny Robins podcast, book, live show and TV show Uncanny !
Available on Kindle and paperback now!

It’s all true , give it a read today!! "


No that's not the name of the book - It is yet to be unveiled

It's another personal journey, that's all we can say!

Buy or Download James' Books 

The Boy She Left Behind

A mans attempt to understand grief - in paperback, hardback and Kindle including  Kindle Unlimited.

Nanny Stairs

A short true ghost story - available in paperback or  Kindle.

Book no.3

A personal journey ... more info to come.